Urinary Tract Infection Specialist

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A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a widespread condition that affects men and women of all ages, but that usually arises in adult women. At the Urgent Care Center of Arlington in Arlington, Virginia, Haroon Rashid, MD, provides effective diagnosis and treatment of UTIs. Left untreated, they can result in pain and discomfort and can even potentially spread to your kidneys. If you suspect you’re suffering from a urinary tract infection, book an appointment online or by phone today or visit the Urgent Care Center of Arlington as a walk-in.

Urinary Tract Infection Q & A

What is a urinary tract infection?

A UTI is an infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. There are three areas of your urinary tract that can be affected by a UTI:

  • Bladder
  • Urethra
  • Kidneys

Any type of trauma or disruption to your urinary functions can expose you to harmful bacteria, leading to a urinary tract infection. The most commonly affected areas of the urinary tract are the bladder and urethra.

Who is at risk for a UTI?

Although anyone can suffer from a UTI, women are at a much higher risk for infection than men. It’s believed that the size and location of the urethra leave women especially vulnerable to bacterial infections. Women are also at an increased risk of urinary tract infections during monthly menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause.

What are the symptoms of a UTI?

Although UTIs can go unnoticed for quite some time, there are several common symptoms that you’re likely to experience. Men and women with a UTI generally experience the same symptoms, which may include:

  • Burning when urinating
  • High fever
  • Discharge
  • Signs of blood in urine (red, light pink, or dark-colored urine)
  • Strong smelling urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Frequent, strong sensation to urinate
  • Frequent urination of small amounts
  • Pelvic pain (usually experienced by women)

Different types of UTIs can result in various symptoms. To prevent your infection from spreading, you should discuss treatment with an experienced team like the one at Urgent Care Center of Arlington.

How are UTIs treated?

The first step in treating UTIs is generally antibiotics. For simple infections, the length of treatment is typically rather short, with most symptoms clearing up after a few days.

If you’re experiencing frequent infections, your provider may decide a longer course of antibiotics is necessary. At-home diagnosis and treatment for recurrent UTIs are also possible, so long as it’s done under the supervision of your provider.

The team at the Urgent Care Center of Arlington develop custom treatment plans based on your condition and health factors. They also offer IV antibiotics should you be experiencing severe UTIs.

To learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of UTIs, book an appointment at the Urgent Care Center of Arlington online or by phone today or visit the office as a walk-in.


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  • Urinary Tract Infection

    Urinary Tract Infection

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Haroon Rashid, MD
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Urgent Care Center of Arlington, VA
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